There are two solutions for shipments to the United States at checkout
SHIPPING via AVIO - 25 working days for delivery
SHIPPING via SEA - 60 working days for delivery
In both cases, if the purchased product was selected with the option
following the shipping rules for the United States we have to apply the
INCREASE of € 10.00 for each gift box shipped
The new amount will be requested to the customer in a different request made via Paypal or Stripe
If you have already completed the purchase and you want to renounce the gift box, please write to us within 24H of purchase and you will be refunded of € 5.00 for each gift box purchased, via Paypal or Stripe.
No refunds will be made for products in the GIFTS section which require the creation of the personalized back label.
For any further information you can contact us via chat or via e-mail at